Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Burden

Bringing a new post, to keep my blog alive. :) Recently i've been reading pages of knowledge and  found this title " The Burden" and it's kinda a sad story. okay, gonna type all out :) 

By the end of the 1950s, the Communist North Vietnam was battling for ownership of South Vietnam so that they would be a unified communist nation. To prevent the consequence of a domino effect of the spreading of communism to neighbouring countries, the United States of America supported the South Vietnamese. Thus, many young American soldiers were sent overseas to fight in the Vietnam War were finally sent home. Many of these men were badly injured in the war, and many others maimed. Here is one account. 

An American soldier was going home after the Vietnam war had ended. He ca;;ed his parents from San Francisco.

" Mom, I'm coming home. But first i'd like to ask a favour of you. Can i bring a friend home with me?" 

" Certainly!" the mother was elated when she heard her son's voice over the telephone. " we'd love to meet your friend. Is your friend a guy or a girl? "

"A guy. But there's something you should know" ,  the son continued hesitantly. " He was very badly injured in the war. In fact, he lost an arm and a leg in landmine explosion. He has nowhere to go and i want to bring him home to stay with us".  

" We're sorry to hear that, son. Do bring him home. Your dad and i will arrange for a place for him to stay." 

" No, mum, i want him to stay with us, in our home" , the son pleaded. 

There was a silence over the telephone. 

"Son, the mother broke the silence, " you don't know what you are asking for. You see, someone with such a handicap would be very difficult to cope with , let alone help. It would be a great burden for your father and me. He would only interfere with our lives. Just tell him nicely that we are unable to help him and forget about this guy. I'm sure he'll find a way to look after himself. " 

At this point, the son hung up. The parents heard no more from him. A couple of days later, the parents received a call from the San Francisco police. They told them that a young man had fallen from a tall building, and had found their particulars in his wallet. The police said they suspected suicide. 

The parents flew to San Francisco to identify the body in the mortuary. It was their son. To their horror, they found that their son had only one arm and one leg. 

It is easy to feel compassionate for people who are less fortunate that ourselves. It is also very easy to advise others, and to say that we should help those who are less fortunate. However , when the situation arises, we often simply offer excuses, instead of offering help. 

Done! Goodnight peeps! :)

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