Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pick the star on the dark Horizon and follow the light

A day out with lynelle yesterday, went to many places, to find new year cloths, and help lynelle with her cloths, she bought her make ups, shirt and etc, i bought a pair of shoes only . 
 Lynelle gave me this rose, awww sho sweet of her LOL! Okay, actually this rose it cost $10, so we both give a donation to the needy so we get the rose. :) HAHA :D
So after that we went around searching for Hugo Boss, yes HB, but not buying anything but finding Miaooy Sissy, hahaha, We went to alot of wrong places, but i didn't rant anything, i just love yesterday alot, happy!!! :D Okay actually this post is nothing. LOL~ Byebye

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