Monday, February 27, 2012


2nd brother, i'm really glad to have a brother like you, a brother that always buy things for me, and giving those care, i just feel so save to have a brother like you around, without fail making everyone laugh. You're really awesome! <3 Happy Birthday brother. 
So yeah, had 4days 3nights chalet at down town, it was not that bad, we wanna booked, NRCC Chalet but was full, as the same for Aloha Loyang was full,  but it wasn't that bad :D HEHE
#First night,
There were only me miaooy sissy, and my 2nd brother, we were like whacking for snacks and staff, lol, never stop eating, so we watch some dramas, really awesome!, and than we were tired and i knock off. Thats all! LOL! hahaha

#2nd day,
Morning,went and walk around searching for food, and i bought MC Breakfast Deluxe, my 2nd brother bought Nasi and miaooy sissy bought buger? not really sure:D. So Big brother came with his girlfriend, so is Grandma , mummy and daddy, they came in afternoon, so they were resting and around 5-6 pm, we start BBQ-ing !!!! :D

 Sister bought sushi!! :D


 #3rd day:
we all woke up at 11-1130 in the morning, so we went to have breakfast, around 2-3, we decided to go Wild Wild Wet, cause we have 3 free tickets, so we went there, was really awesome! HAHA So we went back and bath, and start BBQ-ing~ :D Yeah, blasting music with iluv Awesomely awesome!! AHAHA :D

Few more days and i'm going to Malacca, yes IBMC week, i'm really looking forward! :D HAHAHA Okay, it's getting late, will update more soon!! ;D

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