Monday, March 5, 2012

3 days 2 night part 2

Woke up around 630am in the morning, cause everyone will be snatching the toilet to bath, yeah they all kiasu, wake up so early and they went to bath already, so me yukiko and limei went back to sleep, and wait for them to be back. After that, we all up to the bus and is MALACCA TIME!!! :D
Day 2
First day of Malacca, We went to many places, 4 museum in total, was super tiring, and when we went back to the hotel is already 530pm~ We all had to rush to our hotel, bath and prepare for the NT prom-night :) Oh yeah this it the hotel room ~

Yeah, everybody in their formal, sadly we all can't take a group photo, cause we all were rushing to go shopping so cut it short this is the people who won the Best Dressing.

So yeah, bought alot of stuffs, shop for 2hours? and yeah, met the rest at around 10? So we were bored, we went to buy Mac back to hotel room~ weee! was awesome, so yeah limei came to our room, and we we chit chatting awhile, but she went back, but awhile, Limei called our hotel room phone, and said, Lien said, got people Knock their door, but there's no one there, creepy, not just them, but most of the girls, so limei and lien came to our room, and sleep together, was awesome!! HAHAHA
Slept at 4am? in the morning? Wow. thats really late~ Wake up at 630am, sit awhile and went back to bath, and went down to have breakfast~
so yeah checked out, and went to the Fruit farm and other places, nothing much after that, was really awesome days spend with awesome friends, we all know each other more, and were close than last time.
Sister fetch me home after that, was super tiring , but it's worth it.

Thats all for the 3days 2 nights " Camp" HAHA Hope you guys do enjoy~ :D

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