Sunday, March 25, 2012


Hi people, it's sunday already, and it's going to be monday in few hours time, and i totally hate it, tiring and stress day coming,
and yes, i think you people had realized i've changed my URL, reasons, i'm getting really bored with it, so yeah i changed it, not that worse right? :/ I kinda like it though. :) And yeah, todays title is  bloglovin, yes, i went to sign up for bloglovin and i don't know why i can't claim my blog, i couldn't find it, gosh, i had give up anyway, forget it i'm not really good this kind of stuff, it's true. :(
And yeapppy!!! My stuff will arrived in 2-3 days! HEHEHEE <3 okay, i have nothing much to update already!! :D Enjoy people :)

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