Thursday, April 5, 2012

Doing well this year.

It's Good Friday tomorrow, well it's good for us, so we could get enough of sleep, and of course to do those undone homework, and i'm just so dumb, i left my English file and homework under table, totally fucked up, i bring back my maths homework, and i forgot to bring back my english, argh....  Okay enough, since i forgot, than that is it. :@ 

Okay, it's miaooy sissy birthday tomorrow, actually me and my family, plan to go ktv, but they only have slots from 12am to 2am, actually we all don't mind, but tomorrow we are going to the zoo, my siblings doesn't want daddy and mummy to be too tired, so we had cancelled our plan, really sad but well, there will be next time >:(  

Saturday going out with awesome classmates to Ktv, gonna go check if there's any slots, please please i beg it will have slots >:(  okay now show some 1 9gag photo and one tweet that i find it freaking hilarious :DDD

Okay thats all.... :)Do enjoy!!! :D


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