Friday, April 13, 2012

May godbless you.

It's MacPherson 45th anniversary, so i wish Macpherson Secondary Happy 45th anniversary. So school starts at 3pm today, but my friends and i meet earlier, we all went to Stadium, to have our lunch and our awfully chocolate, was awesome, having lots of laughter, but sadly, Jiaxin was sick, he doesn't have any mood, so we gave him some peace.

Reached school around 230pm? Met the others in class, and this bastard said something which is not really nice, what with the " All the tall and big size come" Wassup men, don't forget what you get when you said nasty things about your own classmates, you're ain't that good AT ALL. Please bear that in your fucking mind.

Okay so, Mr ho asked all of us to head down to the hall, and seated down, for freaking 2hours, and whole hall was fugging humid like fug, the whole prize giving was totally a boring thing, lucky Limei was with me, she made my day, non-stop laughter, jokes from her. So everything ended at 545pm? Not really sure, so reach home around 630pm, super tiring, suffer from headache for the pass 3days, on and off. hmmm Okay thats all for today. :)

Wanted to get my hair dyed this way ;D
(photo grab from Riot Loco)

Ain't this cool, most people asked me to dyed the first pic above there, Or the second want better? Hmmm considering. :D Defiantly dyeing this kind of hair! :D Wait for me babeh! :D

Don't stop viewing alright? :D

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