Sunday, December 30, 2012

31st of December


I'm back with Christmas post, i'm late, because i was sick, really sick, and therefore now i'm okay, feeling much more better, i'm here to post it now!

After ITE interview, i went to work, so around 4plus, reached home, went to get Turkey and 8 bottles of ice lemon teas ( the free gift) So back home, cooked the turkey etc, siblings back, and this time celebration, is different, the taking of prize etc, and we all have to wear either green or red shirt, wa Christmas atmosphere LOL, so eating while waiting for Miaooy sissy, and Lynelle to end their work, and come join us, we were all eating, snapping pictures etc, and miaooy sissy finally back, so we drink different kinds of alcohol, very nice HAHAHA and also champagne, at around 1030-11 Lynelle than reached, just right we are playing our games, so while she eating, shes watching LOL! So yeah, Pictures? :D HAHAH

 My cutest daddy, LOL he didn't realized his Christmas hat was so " solid" :P LOL

 Sorry for the blurry photo, cause i was laughing so much while the conversation beside. :P

 2nd Brother and Miaooy sissy
 Big Brother and Jiayan Sissy

Self selca mummy and 2nd brother :*

Didn't realized until my big brother told me that, daddy mummy sissy and 2nd brother is sitting  like color arrangement Green, Red, green, red. :O

Daddy Got Sissy's present

 Mummy got my presents! HAHAHA

HAHAHA Look how happy my mummy is!!! HEHEHE <3 p="p">

Maybe you're wondering what my sister got, she got a angpow from big brother, and miaooy sissy got my daddys top prize, and i got hers, head massage, what i always need! LOL! And also, there no pic of lynelle inside, now than i realized it. wth. Cause by the time she reach i'm already like half dead body, too tired, and high LOL , and after all the celebrations, both me and lynelle watch runningman HAHAHA than sleep. Next day went out with her and my sissy, HAHAHA Love it! 

My birthday presents and Christmas presents~ :) 

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