Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's day.

Hello hello.

I guess its been almost 6months or more that i didn't touch this blog. And i guess i have the feeling to do so today.
Been coming back here in and out , but since it's created maybe just gonna keep it open and etc.

2nd year of Fashion Apparel Production and Design. 

This year had been stressing myself  up, lots of new module and of course internships, did 2-3 presentations, and draping classes, what else we did?So much that i couldn't remember a thing, and for now having my internships in school, i choose school base , not because i can't or accompany my friends, i just want to, frankly speaking, i kind of stressing up myself for nothing, just by thinking of so much things needed to draft, sew, drape, etc, but to think back it's just me thinking it's gonna be hard and etc, but after all went through already , it's kind of easy, i mean i tend to get stress up seeing pile of pile of projects pile-ling up and i get stressed up, so i actually asked myself am i ready to go out there and face more challenges* i called that* yeah, thats why i ended up in school base cause i'm not ready. yeah. LOL I have started my intern for around 1-2 & a half months, we helped Hp printer to make out garments , and than 95.8fm to design some in/out doors tops , and lastly our own projects eptomi projects, basically we are now "earning" some extra cash for our end of year fashion show , "yes the other stress i'm facing", so now we designed the things bags, keychain pouches, zip pouches , cushion cover, and now we are going to the next steps to get fabrics, and than selling it at epitome.  I believe thats all about school. LOL

Okay enough of school now



I can never never not feel happy and how blessed i am to have my family especially having my mummy, she cooked breakfast early in the morning cause she needs to open the store as early as 6.30am, so around 5.30 in the morning she wakes up look at the dinning table to see if there's anything i can bring to school to eat, if there isn't she cooked fried noodles for me to bring it to school, or sometimes breads and etc, there's too much things she had done for me , i can never never stop loving my mum , protected me for 19years of her life and mine, and of course my 3others siblings. one blog post , one instagram picture, one paragraph ,one facebook status, its never enough to show how much i love her. Lastly I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER UNTIL YOURE 1200 YEARS OLD. YES. I WILL I STILL WILL.


And to the whole world mum.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

yolo bitchachos.

Like a finally i'm a free soul, stress free. I'm done with my assignments and projects bitches, this month has been very packed, hardly could breath well, preparing dresses, and presentations needs, ahhhhhh finally everything is over.....

A blink of an eye, MAY gone, 5months completed the amount of projects... hooooomaigod, it's just so unbelievable,
And here comes my June Holidays, finally breaks, but most probably going back to school for some work, fml, and also working, can't wait to earn and save money, it's been awhile.

June holidays, so gonna enjoy my life, shopping with le babes and my girl, can't wait for class outing too, love my classmates, can't wait to see them soon. HAHAHA Step school girl, eyyyy~ LOL

Although its been awhile i haven't been blogging, but i really have nothing much to blog. LOL. I guess Pictures will do the other half of my work. HAHA


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Been awhile.

YOLO FRIEND IS YOLO, Okay it's kind of weird starting with that, but just read it,  been really busy with school projects and assignments, and hardly have the time to blog, or even use my laptop, neglecting this area for quite awhile, and i'm here to up the date here LOLOLOLOL. Okay showing my collection of outfit i'm gonna make, it's kind of exciting and mean time, nervous, hopefully *crossfinger* i can make exactly the same outfit out, PRAYHARD, and now, i'm kind of loving photoshop lessons, cause i learnt a lot, like the hair, and face features and etc, figure, and outfit drawn out by me, the colors hair, accessories, and shoes,all from internet. All you have to do is just adjust, cut here and there, wala! you're done! HAHAHA

Okay enough of school. Hardly there's time for me to go out and shopping, but thank god, there's holiday, Labour day LOL, finally got enough time to rest, and of cause not wasting it, meet the babygirl too, never meet her for like two weeks, both of us were toooooo busy with our school, my projects, and her O level's preparation. so went out to study awhile ( SHE STUDY) i was just accompanying her, cause i rarely got homeworks to bring home, so lucky me,after awhile went to get macs, and off to my house!!! HEHEEHE we talk a lot, maybe a slightly little bit of bitching HEHE, most of it about our school, and lastly PICTURE TIME with her, HAHAHA.

And some photos of me and my other girls 

I guess that's all i can update. GOOOOOOOOOOOOODNIGHT. :D