Sunday, June 2, 2013

yolo bitchachos.

Like a finally i'm a free soul, stress free. I'm done with my assignments and projects bitches, this month has been very packed, hardly could breath well, preparing dresses, and presentations needs, ahhhhhh finally everything is over.....

A blink of an eye, MAY gone, 5months completed the amount of projects... hooooomaigod, it's just so unbelievable,
And here comes my June Holidays, finally breaks, but most probably going back to school for some work, fml, and also working, can't wait to earn and save money, it's been awhile.

June holidays, so gonna enjoy my life, shopping with le babes and my girl, can't wait for class outing too, love my classmates, can't wait to see them soon. HAHAHA Step school girl, eyyyy~ LOL

Although its been awhile i haven't been blogging, but i really have nothing much to blog. LOL. I guess Pictures will do the other half of my work. HAHA


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