Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I hate this part

Hihi people, i'm back to update here. It's 9th may already, and it's my last paper tomorrow! Horray! #Happygirl95
So today before my exams start this morning, Mr ho said that half of the class pass English, hopefully i'm one of them. #prayhard
so, i had maths paper2 and Chinese, i totally screwed my maths paper2, careless mistakes everywhere! When i find out there's mistake i have left with 2mins to do, which is not enough, so my 6 marks points fly :( #killmeplease LOL

Okay stop ranting about exams, stress is finally going away,  for like 1 month? :D
can't wait for June holidays, for some shopping, and studying with classmates and the girls, woohoo. Haven't watch avengers yet :( But i'm watching it tomorrow after my exam! HEHEHHE  I know i'm slow, but there's defiantly people mountain people sea. Excited! :D

Okay nothing much happen, but just something that is unbelievable, Drama happen at home. which i hate it.
Thanks for people who ask but sorry, I'm not gonna say, i'm not gonna share. .... :)

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