Thursday, May 10, 2012

Marvel's The Avengers

So yes! I went to watch Avengers, ohh gosh, just way too awesome! i can't stand it, i would watched it again, but in funshion
LOL. Super awesome, especially the part where Hulk smash Loki! HAHAHA, And Hulk punch my Thor! LOL Okay yeah i type out " MY THOR" If you're following in twitter, you will know, my tweets are like Thor and Thor, Kinda mad. He is way too hot, melts. HEEEEZ
Me and Lynelle is like, " Oi why punch my Captain America/ Thor" HAHAHA! There are parts that is super hilarious! Gosh.. HAHAHA, it's so worthy and is not expensive! HAHAHA :D After the movie, we went to have Gongcha at Bedok Point, seated at there, till like 930? Than went home. Was a great day. :D

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