Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Dad!

First of all ,

So woke up dumbly, thought that father day had over, so didn't shout happy father day to my dad! :( Until my brother tell me, that is Father day today! LOL I'm dumb! So went down to get his favorite food and wished my HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! HAHA He laughed, So cute.

Daddy, I love you truckloads, and i know that past, where you scold me was for my good, not on purpose, and telling my about the ugly side of society, i like spending time with you and mummy at the store, and i like it when me and you, discussing about designing shirts and stuff, and about the materials, you giving me the strength to carry on moving, i love you daddy, and i always will. <3 MUAH! AND OF COURSE I LOVE MY MUMMY TOO! <3  hehehe

Yeah so this is the last post, for today! 3 new post! :D Do enjoy reading it, and don't stop viewing here alright? :D

Byebye! <3

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