Sunday, July 22, 2012

Okay decide to blog, since i'm really free, and this space is too quite. :)

I've been busy with D&T NLevel course work, and i hardly could breath, really, everyday staying back, making presentation board, doing research, and stuff, and also to catch up with my maths, and other subject, especially my maths.  And of course, prelim is round the corner, really have to work hard for it, no more wasting time on useless things. All my time are course work, remedial, course work, and remedial, no time for other things. 

Of course, also some really dramatic things, girl problem, again, AGAIN! It's never gonna stop, anyway, i don't care if you see this, but just wanna let you know, continue to be a clown and tweet about me, and my friend, yours sincerely, i believe classmates have a pair eyes to see who's being mean, and you can go around telling people about me, alright, as long as i know i didn't do anything to anyone of you, i'm fine, go ahead and tell everyone about me and judging my flaws. :)  

Alright enough of school and drama :D Anyway, i went out ( FINALLY)  last friday with Lynelle, and we went ikea to have our lunch and of course study at there, lol was a really enjoyable day with her, although it's just a short day, it's been awhile since we went out, we were both busying with studys, and we hardly meet, it's either she's free but i'm not free course i went running with brother, on diet now ma, LOL, or i'm free she's not free, so you see, you hardly meet, only morning we meet at bus stop and go school together, LOL, but anyway was great meeting her that day. :) Haven't been going out, school x home x school x home, lol so was really happy i'm out! :-)

I have nothing to blog,  but gonna share 2 tweets i find so true. :D #enjoy #2tweets #fromNaomiNeo
People who tweet about you indirectly obviously have no fucking balls to insult you in your face. Scaredy cat.

-I mean, why do people have to point out your flaws time and again as if you don't already see them everyday?

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