Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You're not ugly, the society is.

Okay, it's been real long since I blogged, cause my Internet was cut, don't know why, currently blogging using my phone.

So, everyday in school preparing for up coming exams, than stayed back after school to continue, is just like a daily routine, it's so boring, but wtd?

Last week of school was a total suck, can never imagine things like that had happen, quarrel over a minor thing, is just so stupid but than everything was solved, like thank god.

Next week Monday continue our N level examination, but than for My class , we are only gonna start on tuesday, so we still have exactly 5days which include sat and sun for more preparation for Maths. Can't wait for it to be over, so I can really put this stress aside.

I'm really suagu, I had already planned what I'm gonna do after my N's. Hahaha. Alright, I guess this is so much I could talk about? :D will try to update soon. :)


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