Monday, October 8, 2012

I just want my holidays to be spectacular!

HIHI EVERYONE! i'm finally here, to update! :D

Finally i'm done with my N level! yes today!, i'm happy because i can finally released all stress away, not because i can't wait to leave the school. I remember how i wanna leave this school asap, because of quarrels, bitching, insults and stuff, but come to think of it, i have walk through all of this,  i think secondary school for me, is kinda exciting, at least i have learnt a lot through this 4 years!

Well, this friday is our graduation party, how fast is it uh? and of course graduation party is about, dressing in beautiful outfit, being beautiful on that day, but it's kinda a doppsy that, for our graduation party our dress code is freaking "UNIFORM" yes UNIFORM! But well, i guess all the teachers want to see us all in same uniform with tie one last time? Okay whatever it is, still kinda look forward for this fri, i guess i'm gonna cry and cry on that day!, my friends will be laughing at me! For sure... But well, being happy is way much better than being upset.

Oh and here's our Class Jacket, actually kinda like it a lot, love it because it's unique and different from other classes :) 

Oh btw, gonna have another Flea at Scape on october 27th if i'm not wrong!#HAPPYGIRL95 And also flying to Bangkok of November 1st, can't wait for this to happen!!! 22 days more!!!!!

Gonna blog on this friday again! #Graduation day! :D my blogpost is not interesting and it's boring, meeeehhh~ but i hardly have things to blog, so yeah. See yeah~

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