Saturday, October 13, 2012

Graduation Party

As i say i will come out another photos soon! HEHE So yeah.

Graduation party, that day was the only day where i woke up enthusiastic, neatly so called " dressed up" and head out to school, all i wanted to is meet my friends and have one last hardcore fun in school, And everything turns out better than what i thought, i brought along my PE to let each and one of them to sign it, and after that, we all head to the hall and wore our Class jacket in, some of them didn't wear it, idky, than they play some videos, of us sec1 till now, and it's kinda touched, and seeing everybody that are so tiny short, and stuff, thats just so cute, and great memories, than after that they showed us a video of our form teachers that have last word for us, Miss Suhaila, Mr Ho, Miss MaLei, and Miss fazlina? I don't really know her name, well, that moment i teared, and all my friends know about it and they go like " JiaJuan i know you're crying, don't cry!" HAHA They made me laugh, than last part of the video was Mrs choi Speaking and very first, people all laughed, and stuff cause she's like going to sing us this song, that was the very last part, and she sang, people laughed, but i think it's kinda touched, especially last part where she wave for us, i teared again, than send out representative to speak for the level, my classmate was one of them

  Than after the speech and stuff, Miss ong talk on speech about Stave Jobs video and story, its kinda interesting and  i understand what he is speaking, so after all that, our teacher gave each class one candle, i totally forgot what is it meant for, thats suck, i remember it's a very memorable, and meaningful thing.... So while we pass it one by one to our classmates we need to say something or wish them that everything will be successful, and stuff, than when it reached to my friend Nabila, she wished me, and i felt like crying because at the very last she add " I love you my bestfriend" I so wanna teared, but if i teared i will be unable to speak, so i hold on, and wish Limei, while i say it i wanna teared again, cause she was always there for me in school  when i don't have mood and stuff, than after passing it to the last person, the last person will have to go in front and light the big candle together with the other people.

and yes we all had so called graduated, recieve a graduation photo at the very last part, with Mr Ho wishing us all the best... So we are all released, have buffet, and take pictures with teachers classmates and stuff, such a memorable day in MPSS.

I have always wanted this day to reach fast, but when it reached, i wanna go back and restart everything again....

All this cute people in those photos, are my cutest friend, and that i have never regret meeting them in my life, there are more photos, but impossible to put them out, soo many of it.

Last word,

And also to my cutest classmates

You guys have been an awesome people in my life, although we quarrel make fun of each other, but we have all went through this together,  miss suhaila made us run laps when our class is dirty, and when we all laugh at the same thing, saying jokes together playing together, that is the most memorable days i have been, and how i wish i can go through it again, with the same old people. :') I really love you guys a lot! Thanks for making my Secondary school life so much better! :'D LOVE YOU GUYS FUCKYEAH IT'S 4G :*

Those i quarrel with, and stop talking people,  i did really enjoy those days together, things turn out badly than we expected, but i really enjoy it, like what can we hate for such a long time? Shits happen, and it's all over, hope everyone of you, will be successful in anything, everything.  :)

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