Friday, December 21, 2012


Results came out surprisingly good. ( Not Haolianing/ show off)

 And 17 December, collecting of our GCE N's results, was stop by the teachers, who? Discipline masters, cause of my hair color, and nail polish, come on, i'm just taking my results and go, and they insist, so 2 of my malay friends and i went all over Balam to search for black hair spray, search it for freaking half and hour, than spray la, head back to school, DM check and telling us "Well Done"  LOL And i told him " IKR :D" HAHA So yeah went up to hall, all my friends like, " EY JIAJUAN COME ALREADYx3" Than kept laughing at my black hair, than collect my results, i open the slip of letter, "And the awkward moment come " It's blank, and i start asking around, " EY, WHY BLANK AH, WHY BLANK?" Than i say die liao die, blank me fail la, than i turn around " Chey" Here la, Jiaxin thought what i said was true, and he " CB LA scare me" HAHAHAHA! Who know! So yeah , i pass all my subject, not failing any of them,(And remember i said i had failed maths like forever in my past few years of studying?)
that means include the freaking hell MATHS! HAHAHHA, and Mr Ho telling me how happy Miss suhaila is for me, that i finally pass.

Maths -D
English - D ( Don't know wtf is wrong with it )
D&T - B
Chinese - A

Don't know what mistake i make in English, and this is not suppose to be happening ( Not saying i'm A1 at English)
But for pass 3 years, i have improve my English, and i got C everytime, and now drop to D. You can see i'm bad at study, don't judge me please. :(

Okay, so basically, i have total of 10 points, cause mines CCA points.

So after a few days of dragging of time, reading tweets of my friend, saying bout, signing up for ITE, totally stress me, so i went to sign up, to cut less of my stress, and finally chosen 6 choices.  2 days later, receive a msg from ITE saying i'm in to Fashion Apparels and something something Design, idk la, so happy, on monday going for an interview, doing some test, can't wait. woohoo!

And one last thing i'm fucking glad of, is SOME OF MY FRIENDS ARE IN TO THE SAME ITE AS ME. And mostly are my classmates.

Faizul in to same course as me, so we probably be classmates again, happy girl is me, and Yuxin,Quock hao, Jiaxin, Nathniah, Eswariy, Guangxian, Shadik, Faizul, Yeikeong and more, omg can never be more happier... :') Can see their annoying face and listen to their lame and irritating but funny jokes again! HAHAHA

Okay thats all. Yeah again wordy post, with my grandmother story telling again! HEHEHE Sorry. but just read it if you have nothing to do. :DDDD

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