Monday, December 31, 2012

Gooodbye 2012, and Hello there 2013




So 2012, i've nothing to blabber about it, several experiences, and also ups and downs etc. I probably will say, this is the best year i've been, especially knowing how much people were there for me, stay with me, and crazy with me. Especially my family, they were always there for me, several interview fail, cheering me up, and be there for me, i'm really blessed, i have them in my life, there's nothing better i could ask for. I LOVE YOU MY SWEETEST LOVELY FAMILY. Thank you for washing me with love.  It's never been this happy before, and i really have to say, this year, i'm living happy with it, and i hope my 2013 will be good one too.

Look how fast time goes by, and it's 2013, and look whose here? HAHA Everyone is fine, but still hopes the bad to go away, and the good to come.

New year resolution, come share with me yours! HEHE

Mine, i wish i will be doing fine with my new school, and of course my studies, more new clothes, shoes, bags, accessories HAAHAHA. Actually that's all for my resolution. LOL OMG like damn lifeless want lor.
but who cares! HAHAA

So, went out awhile ago to meet Athirah, cause the both of us is dying in need of shopping, hahaha so we meet at bugis, was really cold, and i was waiting for her at the bus stop, shivering, and she came down the bus, laughing, IDKW! HAHAHA, so went to walk around, and started to shop around, and i got a top from there, and she got a lot of things there, i wanted to get this high cut spike boots, and low cut spike boots, they might sound the same, but they are not, HAHAHA, one is 33bucks, another is 49bucks, i will go back to get the 49 want please, don't have size 40, going around dying to get it, but thinking and thinking, tell me why is it so hard to decide, because it's too fucking EXPENSIVE! LOL, so after like finish walking the whole bugis street, we went to bugis junction Cotton on, mad cheap please, thank god i didn't get the skirt, that time when it's like 29.95 or something, now is like 10 bucks only, dirt cheap, hahaha, the both of us walking around inside, asking each other, should buy not ah, nice not ah, HAHHA what to do? We're just fickle minded girls, LOL. So finish shopping went to Bugis Junction Foodcourt to have dinner together, chat while eating than went to mac continue HAHAHAHA, you can't blame us, we are girls, HAHAHAHAHA. Around 830? We decided to go home, cause we wanna count down with our family, hahaha. Mummy girls~ HAHAAH Yeah probably thats all for todays updates??? :) HAHAHA Pictures will do uh!

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