Friday, January 4, 2013

Inhale love, exhale hate.

Hmmm how shall i start...

If you're following me in twitter, you would know that, my life now is working, going out. That's boring. Haha

So went to school today to register and get uniforms, I was so freaking hell looking forward and all I can get was my PE shirts and shorts, fucking ridiculous, no stock, really wanna throw SMLJ on their face, and now I have to wait for 2weeks for it, going to school in PE till my uniforms come.Argh! Fucked up.

Nevertheless knowing that faizul is gonna be in same class with me I'm damn happy! :))))) hehehe

And also to thank my 2nd brother accompanying me to schools thank you brother, and sorry for making you lack of sleep!

You know I always wanna thank my mother how much she done for me, and it's seems to be not enough, I just LOVE her :'* )

After getting everything done, went to work after that, nothing much about work. Reached home around 4-430 pm, rest awhile and decided to meet Athirah since I'm free and we wanna shop, so yeah bugis with her again, hahaha, I bought a shirt, actually I don't plan to get anything, just accompany her to get her bag and yes she got her bag, and me walking around and saw this skull shirt for like10 bucks only. Come on. So attractive, so yeah got it la. Haha. Than walking around looking for wallet, but all were like MEHHHHHH~ LOL! So went to Starbucks after that, than accompany her to get mac for her family, than that's all. Hahah it's like so boring. But it's really fun.

So long didn't meet Lynelle, and all we use to chit chat was what'sapp, cause she's camping in school yesterday, didn't manage to otp with her, today we both are just too tired I guess, so didn't otp. Hahaha Ahya just miss her!!! Hahaha

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