Saturday, March 9, 2013

you knew you were trouble when you walked in~

So so so, i have decided to blog another post out, cause since i'm free, rotting at home, watching drama etc, i should spend some time at here, in case i neglect this place even longer >< LOL

Supposedly i have home work, which is download Photoshop and do moodboard, but than you can choose to do it in school, or at home, and i rather to do it in school, at least i can ask for help easier! LOL So i asked around, whether they gonna do, most of them didn't so hahaha i shall do that too. LOL Okay lame.

Wanted to go out, but i'm just too lazy to do so, i want to go Daiso again, cause i wanna get my sunflower seed chocolate badly, and my strawberry biscuit, okay, i should really stop eating sweet stuff. STOP LOL it's so hard to stop. LOL OMG i don't know what exactly i'm typing OHMO LOL

Few days ago, i asked my friend wanna like jog after school, in ITE CC track, and they all agree, my friend started it first last friday, i wasn't free, and i have to leave first, so maybe starting monday, running etc, than go to our school gym, exercise and work out is needed, i don't wanna look like this forever LOL Whatever it is, i need to be determine, i stop once, LOL So this time i shall go go go!! LOLLOLOLOL Pardon my lame- ness~ LOL

During my free time, i tend to take up my pencil and start sketching, and i get kinda bored of sketching 8-9 headed models, i wanna focus more on face expression, and i thought of him, and started drawing that annoying cute face of him out, i don't wanna show it out, cause i don't think there's a need to, and that face i draw doesn't even LOOK like him, poor face make me draw like chitchak faces. :( HAHAHA Of course after drawing it, self praise, telling myself, the eyes look like la, not that bad after all LOL

AGAIN , i can't wait for my holidays to be here, and i just found out that theres 3 weeks of holidays, hopefully it applies to all the courses LOL You know sometime, some planner suck big time, they can give 3 weeks to this course, and 1 week to the other course, don't be a dick ey LOL . Good 3 weeks times to do all the assignment and mini projects. Also, meeting my baby girl ( Lynelle ) and my other good friends to do projects together, fuckyeah, and and and if there planless, i will go down to help out my parents with their business, i guess they will be quite happy LOL HAHAHA....  And lastly having booth at Scape. LOL

Maybe i should some lame planner for my 3 weeks of hols here... Pardon me once again.

- Meet up with babygirl *Steamboat, shopping etc*
- Meet up with Good buddys for projects etc
- work
- sleep
- eat

LOL you can see how lifeless it is. Whatever , i dont even know what i want now, this is what i currently thought off. :P

I guess, i have no more lame things to say. Bear with my lame post, and just read it. LOL Ignore this post also can.

Some annoying faces of mine.  LOL

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