Friday, March 8, 2013

It's been awhile

What's up!!! Omg I had been neglecting this space for toooooooooooooo long, it's time for me to update some pictures and my story! LOL

As like what I say, it's been long since I last update, not because I don't want, it's that, I hardly got the time to do so.... Everyday going home at 4-6 pm and reached home at 7-8pm extended all the lesson after school to finish sewing the skirt, drafting the skirt, blouse, etc, or staying for the illustration thing, the drawing, painting, learning about photoshop etc. I had so much things to do, 2 Mini Project waiting for me, mood boards, customer profile, get fabric!!!! OMG... This march holidays is gonna be shag....

I want my holidays to be next week... I want it so badly!!! :( the only time I'm enjoying was laughing and chit chatting with friends, okay not just that, of course the sewing etc. I just hate to go computer lab to learn about photoshop, it's so fucking boring, the room is so suffocated, because there's no aircon, or maybe I should say it this way, They didn't switch on the aircon, like seriously, I don't understand why can they just let us control ourself?? It's so annoying that you need to call the person in charge to switch it on, but than there's nothing. -.- okay whatever it is, currently we are preparing for our Mid-year exam already, LOL I know, why so fast, because I also don't know why? LOLOLOL, and everyday it's so busy, I hardly could Breath normally... I want to finish doing whatever gotta do with computer and I'm done, that room just suck. LOL

Okay maybe should stop talking about school. As I'm so busy, I hardly go out, or barely could go out, and finally it's Friday, met Lynelle and her mum to Sakura Buffet with her mummy and friends, at first was quite awkward cause there was some guys there's, but than, afterawhile the introduction and etc was done, than we just seated there eat and chit chat with Lynelle, we are like having dinner of 2 instead of 7-8people hahaha, and Lynelle mummy treat me the dinner. Is like so paiseh... :/ haha
but unfortunately I had to go first cause of fetching my sister to the airport, like rushing here and there, but managing it quite well, so yeah sissy is on plane now. Hahaha

Omg talk to much. LOL picture time. Please please bear with my face! LOL

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