Friday, February 22, 2013


So finally, i have squeeze out some time to  update my blog, thank god.

 So previously, went to chalet to stay there for like 1 week, theres picture, but it's in my camera so, i will only put when i can squeeze out time again, LOL After those chalet days, back to reality, back to those busy weeks, drafting, sewing, sketching, coloring, etc, and it's really stressful, i couldn't take it anymore, wanted to change course, and there goes my teacher, asking me don't give up, i can do it, its just that i'm too lazy to do, and yes he is right, i have been dilly dally, for like few years, suddenly you want me to be serious i can't, it takes time, it may sound like a excuses, i don't care.
so TGIFF ( Thank god it's finally friday) LOL but using the weekend to rush my research doing the moodboard again, search for fabric again etc, omg, it may sound easy, but when you do, you can die, CAN DIE. -..- But i just gonna work the fuck hard to it, for the fashion walk, in school. I want that. So i will still blabber, but i won't wanna give up.

But than, out of the "blue" there's always the part of school i enjoy, the jokes and annoying people in my life, hahaha Elsa, Carol, Yidan, Mandy etc forever laughing when in school, really almost everyday we're laughing except when it comes to drafting period we shut up, cause thats the boring and stressful part, and of course able to see Him. Yah la yeah la, is HIM, everybody have been asking, i mean even if i say, you guys also don't know what. Crazy. LOL

Okay just gonna blogged this much, promise to update with pictures soon. Hopefully *crossfingers* HAHAHA Love ya.

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