Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Monday.

Of course, daily routine, Going home late, squeezing the bus, office ladies and aunties, squeeze in desperately to gets seats, when obviously the whole bus is packed with students and office people, only  that annoyed me the most. LOL

Like what i say, school now is totally fine to me, yay yay. LOL  cause learning the things i like, it's just good, just that, it's only like one month, 1 assignment, 1 group project, mood board, customer profile, human figure, it'a like the time is so packed, than you could go crazy, you have to rushed this and that, and it's like the first time we are doing it, but after all, i guess turns out not that bad? LOL

As for school today, one of my C.O Teacher is not teaching us, it's so weird not seeing her in our class, yes we all miss her, she's like been there with us on first day of school till now, 1 month of relationship together, went to have lunch with her, outside we were like friends, where to find? LOL Just miss her, so today, going to school relaxing cause no need to carry a A2 size board that covered almost half of me ( cause i'm short -.-)  and hit people with it, or whatever you can think of, so what we do was, sewing ( as usual) and over lock, it's so fun! HEHEHE After that was lunch, than blablabla, human figure drawing, That's all actually, i mean there's nothing i could say, hahaha so far this is what i remembered. Okay, shall edit my previous post with pictures, Toolders :D

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