Sunday, January 27, 2013

I think i could understand

HELLO Everyone~ How's weekend? My weekend was not that bad.

Yesterday was my sister birthday, and we held a small party for her, this year kinda a little bit different from those years she celebrate her birthday, because she always have her boyfriend to celebrate with her, but he's at Germany, working, and sissy is going over to join him there for holiday, jealous, hahaha okay don't sight track, so yeah, lynelle and i bought her a melody, and i customize a tote for her, i made it my self, and i guess, it's nice? HAHAHAHA, My mummy prepared lots of food, than we were eating and chatting, than me lynelle and my sister, was in the room talking about make ups, so my sister thought of helping Lynelle to doll up, and turn out awesome, hahaha! So my sister also doll me up, it's really fun Of course you might be wondering why isn't there any pic, it's in my camera, so i will only put it up when i'm finish editing, and cropping etc, than will put up. 

 Loving it, when looking at her happily opening her presents. :*
 Draw quote on the bag for her :*

 Ignore, my handsome 2nd brother face! omg i don't know why i eat this way! OMG HAHHAHAA

The make up part 


 Than at night, the cake is back! HEHEHEEHE



Today, Just rotting at home, listen to music, or watching drama, so finish watching, i had nothing to do, so i went to read some bloggers blog, and i read Ohsofickle's blog, and her older entry, and she posted some youtube videos, and i click and i watch quite amount of nice videos that is funny, especially 猩猩狗狗大冒险2 It's just too cute, i kept on laughing and i will be " awww~  why is it cute" blablabla hahaa, i will be posting some of here, you can catch it on youtube. :) 

Watch it when you're bored, they can really entertain you, hahaha. :)

It's monday tomorrow, school now, was fine for me, had fun with my friends, the only thing is, there's tons of assignment waiting for us to do, it's just that, it's coming one by one, i'm afraid i can't cope it, which i don't want this to happen, i will crack my brain to solve and understand, hopefully will be easy for me. Okay, Will update more with pictures when i'm done :)

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