Sunday, November 25, 2012

Your mistake do not define you.

It's been 3weeks? or less than since i blog.

Last Friday went over to Grandpa house and celebrated Grandpa birthday! Grandma, cooked lots of yummy things, and after finish having dinner, cut cake time!!! It's his 76th Birthday, 阿公阿, 我希望你長一百岁!!!

 After cutting the cake, play around with two naughty babys!! hahaha They are really cute!!! omg ahahahaha
KangSheng, the one below, i guess when he grow up, he will be a photogenic, when we are going take a photo of him, he will stop and smile! HAHAHA or, he will give you those " look in to my eyes, you will be happy once you see my innocent face" HAAHHAA

 KangKai! Kangsheng big brother, hahaha, he is really cute, and he can never stop moving around! AHAHHA And he is a really good brother, whenever we fake of carrying his baby brother away, he will pull his leg, and stop us for so called " kidnapping him away" AHAHAHHA so cute. A very protective brother. So cute! HAHAHA

Cuties pies! AHAHHAHA

Had the Third flea on Saturday, and everything was fine, as usual, there's business, might be planning on something new, hopefully it will turn out good. Didn't really took photo, was too hot, and have no mood. LOL actually nothing much to talk about Flea. All i do was just " Hi, take a look :)"  LOL and talk to them about the shirts and shorts. HAHA
But after all i enjoyed. Actually i like having booth at scape, cause i like to look at people like how they dress up, the shoes, heels, dunks, and como wearing, BEST! HAHAHAHA and by looking at them, i have some ideas to draw out some designs of clothes. LOL

And now, some photos took few days or week ago. :D

And of course, not just this, i'm just too lazy to save and upload it here, go view more, in Instagram!!! More updates in instagram!!! Follow me ;) Just Click on the Instagram icon! :D

Okay i guess thats all i can update? :D Byebye :)

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