Friday, December 7, 2012

What's up everyone! LOL While waiting for my show to load, i shall blog.

So it's December 8, look how fast it is, and 4 more days to my birthday and 9 more days of collecting our N Level results, tell me about it, i'm not looking forward, as i know myself, i had failed maths for so many years, and there's only slightly a little little bit of improvement, thats all, i don't even know whether i could make it thru. So nervous....
if i could, i would rather the teacher to call and advance tell me! LOL So i would cry at home. LOL WTF

Cut the Results, and talk about my birthday. LOL

I totally have no plans for my birthday, as past few years i had never had an birthday party at all, just cut a cake at home thats all. And of course have friends that will actually celebrate it with me either at home, or outside. Except that my sixteen i had a small party, with my friends, and that counted as one party? LOL As for this year, nothing special, i just like the dates 12/12/2012 i just like it. ( LOL who don't?) So this time just wanna have a small gathering with my friends outside and party, i just want that day to be well spent, and of course celebrating with my famz at night.

I always tell my friends how i'm not looking forward to it, cause always, what i expected, wasn't what i want, so it end up disappoint myself, or knowing that some people forget i mean, unless you're my friend ah ( always hang out etc) you properly will know what, some people would just act blur, as if i'm gonna force them to give me present or something. LOL

This time, i wanna spend it well, and be a queen on that day! HEHEHEHE Just kidding. I just wanna be a little bit more special. *(^.^)*

Okay, i think that's about it. HEHEHE watch my show now! toodles~

Goodnight :*

PS/: As you can see there's slightly changes. ^^
Time : 0252am

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